In how many days will I receive my order?
1 to 2 days for the dispatch time.
5 to 7 days for the delivery of the products
How do I locate my order which is out for delivery?
We have a process to track the order. Customers can go to option of ‘Track Your Order’
Will I get notification when my product is out for the delivery and how?
Yes, after the product is dispatched, a text message will be sent to the registered phone number and email of the customer with all mentioned details and tracking ID.
Is it possible to change the delivery address after it is out for delivery?
You can only change the address of delivery before the dispatch of
the product has taken place.
Can I cancel my order once I made the payment?
Yes, you can cancel the order once the payment is done if the product has still not been dispatched. And you will get the refund in next 7 to 8 days. Once the product is dispatched the order couldn’t be cancelled.
You can also get the store credits to be used for later purchases
Do you give any discounts?
Yes, we always provide discount on new arrivals products, additional discounts are available for the prepaid orders.
We also provide the occasional discounts to all our customers.
Do you accept credit and debit cards?
Yes, we accept the credit and debit cards.
Can I make payments through Google Pay or Pay Pal or BHIM UPI?
we accept UPI/Net banking/ Paytm and google pay as the mode of the payment.
How can I track my order?
You can track your order by putting the tracking ID in the option
‘Track Order’ on the website.
In how many days we can ask for the replacement of our product?
We have 5 days replacement policy. That means you have 5 days to request for the replacement if there is any defect in the manufacturing.
Where to contact to initiate the return?
We take care of our customer’s worries
So, you can contact us at If your return is accepted, we’ll arrange pickup for the existing product.
Can I get refund?
We will notify you once we’ve received and inspected your return, and let you know if the refund was approved or not. If approved in case of manufacturing defects, you’ll be provided with store credits. You can use those store credit to buy anything from our website of same order value.
How many days it will take to get my replacement?
Your product if has any manufacturing defect will be eligible for replacement. We have 5-day replacement policy.
Any Questions?
If we still haven't answered your question, you can contact us below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.